| Name | Description | Weight | Requirements |
#ref(PerkSatisfaction_new.png,center) | + 5% satisfaction | Decreases the amount of food required to feed the dragon by 5% per perk (up to 15%[1] total). | 10 | None |
#ref(PerkRareChance.png,center) | + 5% chance of a rare dragon | Increases the chances of breeding a rare dragon by 5% per perk (up to 15%[1][2]). | 10 | None |
#ref(PerkBreedSpeed.png.png,center) | + 5% breeding speed | Increases breeding speed by 5% per perk (up to 15%[1]) when breeding with the dragon. | 10 | None |
#ref(PerkGold.png.png,center) | + 5% gold | Increases the speed at which the dragon earns gold by 5% per perk (up to 15%[1] total). | 10 | None |
#ref(PerkClearSpeed.png.png,center) | + 5% clearing speed | Increases the speed to clear an obstacle by 5% per perk (up to 15%[1]) when using the dragon. | 10 | None |
#ref(PerkLevel.png.png,center) | + 1 level | Increases the dragon's level without feeding (+1 level per perk). | 5 | None |
#ref(PerkEvolutionSpeed.png.png,center) | + 5% speed of evolution | Decreases evolution time by 5% per perk (up to 15%[1] total) when evolving the dragon. | 5 | Evolved once |
#ref(PerkEssenceBonus.png.png,center) | + 1 essences | Increases the number of essences by 1 per perk (up to 3[1] max) received when exchanging a dragon. | 3 | Evolved once |
#ref(PerkAmplifierCancellation.png.png,center) | Cancellation of the negative effect of the amplifier | Cancels the negative effect of the opposing elemental amplifiers. | 3 | Evolved once |
#ref(PerkDoubleEssence.png.png,center) | + 5% chance to double essences | Increases the chance to double the number of essences gained when exchanging a dragon by 5% per perk (up to 15%[1] total). | 2 | Evolved twice |
#ref(PerkGoldFromDragons.png.png,center) | + 3% gold from dragons | Increases the speed at which gold can be earned from other dragons in the habitat by 3% per perk (up to 9%[1]). | 2 | Evolved twice |
#ref(PerkHabitatCapacity.png.png,center) | + 5% habitat capacity | Increases the maximum amount of gold that can be stored in a habitat by 5% per perk (up to 15%[1]). | 2 | Evolved twice |