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*Food [#g2cf4945]
Food is grown in Small Greenhouses and Large Greenhouses, and is required to level up dragons. Four feedings are required for a dragon to gain a level.  The various food types in the game only matter in terms of cost and grow time; see the greenhouse pages for rates.~
''Rare dragons take twice as much food per level as common ones.  Therefore, satisfaction and level up perks will save you twice as much food on a rare dragon.''

**Food per LevelEdit [#zfb4caee]
**Food per Level [#zfb4caee]
The following tables show the amount of food a dragon needs to be fed to attain the next level.
***Common Dragons [#r9ec8387]
|Dragon Level|One Feeding|Whole Level|+5% Satisfaction|+10% Satisfaction|+15% Satisfaction|
***Rare Dragons [#o11d97aa]
|Dragon Level|One Feeding|Whole Level|+5% Satisfaction|+10% Satisfaction|+15% Satisfaction|

**Perk ImplicationsEdit [#u397ffa1]
**Perk Implications [#u397ffa1]
A level up perk is superior to 5% satisfaction after level 3, in terms of saving food, and assuming that one levels the dragon to 10.~
5% satisfaction at level 3 saves 1524 food.~
5% satisfaction at level 6 saves 1440 food.~
5% satisfaction at level 9 saves 768 food.~
Level up at level 3 saves 240 food.~
Level up at level 6 saves 1920 food.~
Level up at level 9 saves 15360 food.